Voici quelques nouvelles fraîche de notre skater préféré, Yan Simoneau!

Mardi le 28 décembre jai fais un petit contest….. un skate game au bar le St Ciboire!!
le set-up était pas facile mais le vibe était le fun!!
4 riders par heat , les gagnants allaient en finale… j’ai pas fait la finale, mais je me suis rendu en finale dans mon heat contre Phil Lajeunesse….

C’était vraiment cool de skater dans le bar et bien amical!!

Plus de détails sur le site web d’Ethernal skate films ici!

Puisqu’on est sur le cas de Simoneau, je vous invite à aller voir son entrevu sur push.ca publié récemment, au cas ou vous l’auriez manqué!


Levi Lavallee, 7 fois champion des X Games en motoneige, devait normalement sauter en direct de la marina de San Diego ce soir pour le traditionnel Red Bull New Year No Limits (Vous vous souvenez du saut de Travis l’an dernier?) mais il s’est malheureusement blessé en pratiquant, non sans briser le record du monde de plus de 60′ avec un saut d’une distance de 361′ (!). L’événement est cancellé, mais le nouveau record est bien présent!


Quoi de neuf avec notre chum Matts Kuli? Pas mal de choses! En voici le résumé, en anglais! Enjoy!

Matts’s bum life on the road

Dear boys, so pretty much spent the fall going to movie premieres especially Split the Sin where I got a couple shots. And of course the SMF’S where I got a 4th and a 2nd!

So a couple days before Halloween I flew over to London for a world cup big air, which probably makes no sense, but ya I went there and pretty much had 3 practice hits and had to do my runs, which ended up doing doubles straight to my shoulder which are always good .lol

After London I hung out in England seeing the sight and even surfing and I think the surfing was one of the best parts of my trip… Well, second best cause after London, some homies I and took the ferry from England to France and drove up to Amsterdam, which was for sure the best part of the trip!

From Amsterdam I drove to Austria for a couple days before the horse feather pleasure jam, but all the practice days were cancelled due to a storm, so I had 2 runs to practice and well the quail did not go to well. So Austria was a flop.

The last leg of my crazy European sex adventure, oh I mean snowboard trip was in Sweden. It went pretty well for the world cup big air. I landed my 2 runs but it was not enough so again I sat on the side lines for finals, which really sucks, but at least there were lots of blonde girls. Plus I found that I got 2 shots published in Pleasure snowboard mag, so that is my 1st Euro mag shots so that was cool.

Next stop was off Breckenridge Colorado were things got a little more serious and way more fun, as now I could actually ride and do a few turns instead of bombing down some scaffolding and trying doubles straight to my head. Dude, I got to Breck and it was amazing! The big line of jumps was up right away, so pretty much shredded the best park in the world for a solid month. I was able to do the Paul Mitchel Progression Session during the Grand Prix at Copper and let me tell you I would rather hit a nice jump then do rail contest.

Anyhow, after that I headed back to QC for x mas party stuff.

Life for the next 2 months

Ya so the next stage in my life is road trip to California with the world famous and always talented Guillaume beaudoin. We are going to spend the next couple weeks shredding around Tahoe and living the double cork life you know, and being retarded.

Then I will drive to Tahoe for the world cup big air in Denver during the ski show,

-after that I will drive up to Calgary for the Canadian Open
-after than back to Qc for some quick fun filming in the streets
-the qc world cup along with the stair master.
-then Axis slopestyle for the end of Febuary

Something crazy

-I was the original founding member of NWA, but kicked out cause I was too gang related. But for real I can squat 6 plates total at the gym. Way better that Arnold Schwarzenegger.